
Michelle Goldberg: OWS is Not Antisemitic, But Kooks Need to Be Shunned

Birth Control Works10/18/2011 10:25:46 am PDT

re: #23 000G

It’s not just that it turned out to be wrong: it was made wrong. Adressing that and correcting it is essential to “finding another way”.

There is no sense in telling the victims of the fraud that has been committed that they just need to bootstrap themselves out of the hole others dug them in to.

Demanding justice is not naive, it is the only way any civil society works. Dismissing that demand with “life’s a bitch” is not realistic but merely cynical.

You are right about demanding Justice. I’m just not sure the protestors view of Justice and the Legal definition or what will end-up being Justice is what they think it is.