
Live Video: Mitt Romney Speaks at CPAC, Sharing Billing With White Nationalists

lawhawk2/10/2012 10:19:27 am PST

re: #18 Lidane

Funny thing is that for most everyone not in the room (the CPAC conference), they’d boo him for what he’s saying because he’s so completely pandering to the right wing that he’s abdicated whatever principled positions he has taken in the past.

In some ways, I almost wish Santorum wins - if only that the GOP failure is so complete in the general election that they have no one to blame but the right wing nut jobs who have pushed the party over the precipice of sanity. When you’re claiming to be a party of small government, but then push to get involved in the most intimate of decisions - whether it’s contraception, abortion, family planning (generally), same sex marriage, etc., they’re showing that it isn’t about small government, but about shifting government’s power into the bedroom even more than Democrats ever could dream up in the black helicopter scenarios that the right wing contemplates.

Media outlets will report on CPAC as though it is somehow a respectable institution, but ignore who’s speaking, hosting, attending, and the genuine outrage that should occur when you’ve got white nationalists, racists, and other extremists pushing an agenda that is wholly out of line with what most Americans want.