Comment President Obama Is Committing Treason

simoom9/16/2012 1:48:19 pm PDT

re: #170 Killgore Trout

Pamela Geller’s Blog Solicited Funds For anti-Muhammad Movie
Kos kidz note that this is not necessarily the same movie, I’m pretty sure it isn’t. The solicitation in from Feb this year, as I recall the movie that caused the riots was filmed last year. I suppose there might have been a blending of the two projects but there’s no proof of that.

I was listening to NPR in the car the other day, and they put forward a narrative that it was actually an associate of Terry Jones who was responsible for taking the movie, that had previously failed to garner much attention, and translating it into Arabic and then personally promoting it in the Arab media:

BLOCK: Carrie, there’s another well-known anti-Muslim activist involved in this story and that’s Terry Jones, a Florida pastor who notoriously burned a copy of the Quran. What’s his connection?

KAHN: Right, this is where the story moves across the country to Florida where Jones lives. And Terry Jones told NPR that the producer of the film got a hold of him a few weeks ago and asked him if he would include it in an event Jones was holding on 9/11. Jones says he was happy to oblige.

BLOCK: And, Carrie, one more character to talk about here and that’s a self-described leader of the Coptic Christian community in Virginia, Morris Sadek. Who is he?

KAHN: He lives outside D.C. And according to Terry Jones, they’re good friends, and they can be seen in a lot of photos demonstrating against Muslims in front of the White House.

So through Jones and this 9/11 event, Sadek got a hold of the 14-minute movie trailer. And according to an email obtained by NPR, it was Sadek who sent the movie clip to dozens of journalists in Egypt. And Sadek says he runs this nonprofit. We couldn’t find any nonprofit under his name.

And Coptic Christian leaders have told us - and we spoke to a few - saying that he absolutely has no following. His hate speech is hurting America, and it’s hurting Coptic Christians around the country. And they have denounced him.

the man who translated the film into Arabic, sent it to Egyptian journalists, promoted it on his website and posted it on social media was an obscure Egyptian-born Coptic Christian who lives near Washington and proudly touts his ties to Jones.

Morris Sadek describes himself as a human rights attorney and president of a small group called the National American Coptic Assembly, based in Chantilly, Va. Sadek says on his website that he is a member of the Egyptian and Washington, D.C. bar associations who has “defended major human rights cases” including the late Coptic Pope Shenouda III, who died in March.

But fellow Copts depict Sadek as a fringe figure and publicity hound whose Islamophobic invectives disrupt Copts’ quest for equal religious rights in Egypt.

“Mr. Sadek is a maverick who belongs to a very narrow extreme current of Coptic activists,” the Washington-based group Coptic Solidarity said in a statement. “He likes to use inflammatory and abrasive language to insult Muslims and Islam. As his actions agitate more the Islamic extremists, some people wonder if he is not in fact working to fulfill their agenda.”

Sadek was at the Park 51 protests 9/11/10, waving a crucifix & bible and screaming: “Islam is evil! Islam is a cult religion!” I haven’t really checked, but I’d be shocked if he isn’t connected to Geller in some way.