
Glenn Beck Building Ayn Rand-Inspired Utopia

jaunte1/12/2013 12:06:04 pm PST

One of Glenn’s commenters already expressing a little defeatism:


People! You’re not thinking here! If this is to be within the confines of Amerika, it will NEVER happen. There is NO WAY the douchebag-in-chief and all his commie cronies will EVER allow for this to happen. They will use taxes, regulation, investigations, lies, prevarications, “bought” building, permitting and codes enforcement “officials”, the criminal U.S. media, BS “laws” created out of thin air and flexible enough to shut every door Glenn and company try to open, not to mention that all of this will still be subject to 0 bow Mao care and all the rest of the socialist/commie mandates in place and to come in the future.

ANYwhere Glenn tries to establish this will result in a call from “king” Herod to some bought-and-paid-for komrade judge to put a stop to this using every tactic in the libturd quiver. They will invent new laws, use regulations, pseudo-science and probably even voodoo to prevent any thought of driving a shovel into the ground to begin construction.

This idea, and the man behind it, will be destroyed.

Book it.

“Probably even voodoo.” Game over, man.