
Stephen Colbert Dons the Sweater Vest and Interviews Rick Santorum

William Lewis11/20/2013 4:14:14 pm PST

re: #268 A Mom Anon

You know, that might be a plan…..

I’d buy a copy.

Though the bully we were dealing with this week is was his math teacher. He lost it in a big way with his Special Ed teacher over her treatment of him in class. He’s no angel but when we have other parents telling us that their kid is scared because of the way she yelled at _my_ son, there’s something seriously wrong. Plus I learned he was sitting in class with his hands in his lap, staring at his hands all period - a classic fear position. He was scared of saying or doing anything that might trigger her.

Considering how easily the assistant principal went along with us, I have to bet we are not the only ones to have had problems with her.