
Video: Ben Carson Gets Totally Incoherent on Dealing With ISIS

Timothy Watson11/16/2015 7:47:32 am PST

At the risk of coming off as an a complete asshole…

I was listening to WTOP most of yesterday while working and they kept running a segment where the newscaster made some comment along the lines of “people in the D.C. are terrified about a possible attack here in the D.C. area.”

Okay, I don’t officially live in the D.C. area, but I’m not living in terror of a possible attack, and there are plenty of soft targets in my area and I am attending Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia at night.

I am hell of a lot more likely to be killed in a car accident than any other method/manner of death.

Are there really people sitting in their homes terrified to go outside here in the United States?