
Lucinda Williams at Home: Tiny Desk Concert

retired cynic8/02/2020 10:21:05 am PDT

Will Trump defy the voters? Let him try. by Matt Bai, WaPo

In 2017, Donald Trump became the first American president in history to complain about the fairness of an election he had just won. So it should surprise no one that Trump has already declined to accept the results of an election he is likely to lose.

I don’t believe the high court would shield a president who had signaled for months that he had no intention of respecting the electorate. I agree with what the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, said in June — that military leaders would show up at the White House with Trump’s eviction notice if it came to that. I’m pretty sure they’d welcome the opportunity at this point.
And that’s really how this whole dystopian chapter ought to end — not with Trump suddenly discovering his inner statesman and conjuring the illusion that his presidency was just like all the others, but with the guardians of democracy roughly tossing him to the curb.

Forty-six years ago, Richard Nixon flashed his silly victory sign as he boarded the chopper that would carry him away from the White House for the last time, cloaked in ignominy. It’s our most enduring image of Nixon — the moment when rule of law triumphed over petty venality.
That’s too good an ending for what Trump has wrought. He deserves a ruder send-off, and so do we.