
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys

Joe Bacon ✅8/11/2023 8:44:56 am PDT

Wanky Hanky got a pass from the Big G!

Self-Proclaimed ‘Prophet’ Hank Kunneman Says Jesus Told Him Not to Apologize for His False 2020 Election Prophecies

Right-wing pastor Hank Kunneman has been one of the most obstinate of the self-proclaimed “prophets” who repeatedly guaranteed that former President Donald Trump would win reelection in 2020. In the years that President Joe Biden has been in office, Kunneman has petulantly refused to apologize for his false prophecies or even admit that Biden is president, instead promising that God will reward those who stand with him while attacking those who have dared to criticize him.

In the wake of the various false prophecies issued before the 2020 election, a group of pastors, scholars, and theologians issued a set of “prophetic standards” that asked those who had issued such prophecies to “be willing to take full responsibility [by] demonstrating genuine contrition before God and people.”

Predictably, Kunneman has steadfastly refused to do so, insisting over and over that he is a legitimate prophet and that his prophecies regarding the election were correct and accurate.

On Wednesday night, Kunneman held a midweek service that was dedicated almost entirely to touting his prophetic credentials and asserting that Jesus had told him not to apologize for his false election prophecies.

After once again promoting the Big Lie that the 2020 election had been stolen from Trump, Kunneman declared that he had no obligation to respond to those outside his ministry who criticize his false prophecies because those who serve on his church board and as staff members, as well as his spiritual advisers and peers, have all vouched for his accuracy as a prophet.

“It’s not about pride,” Kunneman said of his refusal to apologize. “It’s about an honor to God. Either he spoke it, or he didn’t.”

“This man hasn’t been opening his mouth because Jesus said, ‘Don’t do it,’” Kunneman claimed. “I went to my fathers. I went to my spiritual mothers. I went to my board. I went to my peer-level relationships and said, ‘Hey, there’s a lot of calling out going on and my name is getting thrown out there. What do I do? Jesus told me not to saying anything.’ They said, ‘Follow what Jesus said. You’re right on.’”

Kunneman then told his critics to quit hounding him about his false prophecies because he has already addressed it: “I’ve honored Jesus. I’ve done what he said.”

Hank Kunneman Says Jesus Told Him Not to Apologize for His False 2020 Election Prophecies