
Acoustic Guitar Maestro Tommy Emmanuel: "Sanitarium Shuffle" (from Endless Road)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/24/2024 9:56:02 am PDT

The Crime Party has an idea to prevent crime.

Kristi Noem pushes pardoning US Capitol attackers so ‘we don’t see another January 6’ (The Guardian, today)

She appeared yesterday on one of the “Inteview the Republicans and Let Them Lie” shows yesterday.

Kristi Noem, once a contender to be the Republicans’ vice-presidential nominee, has argued that people facing charges over the 6 January 2021 attack on the US Capitol should be individually evaluated for pardons - so as to minimize the chances of a repeat.

“Each of those situations needs to be looked at separately,” Noem said on Sunday on NBC’s Meet the Press. “What I have been very clear about is that we don’t want to see another January 6 again.
