
New Oklahoma Abortion Bill Challenged

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/08/2009 5:38:25 pm PDT

Furthermore, during the Beck show today, both doctors are piling on the idea that one can’t trust the gov’t research in this area!

Tradewind, I surprised that after all the discussion about the wedge strategy here, the deconstruction this site has done on the “Teach the Controversy” strategy, the current analyses on the repeated use of the same techniques the creationists used now being applied to AGW science… that you still don’t recognize the approach Beck is taking wrt H1N1.

Dear Lord… Beck’s anti-vaxx guest does a full on attack of funding of vaccine research and any research funded by the gov’t! Nasty scientists… getting their money to do vaxx research…

When the pro-vaxx guy that Beck has on is Fox’s own medical correspondent, who chimes in with Beck about not believing the gov’t sources and attacking the President’s science advisor… all on a show about H1N1… and so forth and so on…

You really think that Beck’s show today was an accurate and true representation of the science of vaccinations or of H1N1?