
ACORN Cleared in Brooklyn Sting Video Case

doubter44443/01/2010 4:09:25 pm PST

re: #260 Obdicut

I know what you mean, and yes, race is a factor, particularly for the spouting heads that made such a big deal about it, because they know better, and are cynically exploiting the group and the visceral reaction they know they will get when they flog the story.
In general, most people never knew or cared about ACORN till it was brought up as a bogyman in the election.
Most people know only about the GOTV efforts and nothing about what they do the rest of the year.
Most of those people only think a scam is being perpetrated , and they cry foul.
That the organization happens to be helping mainly black and inner-city minorities is the dog whistle for those who want to hear it, but it’s not the whole thing.