
New Details on Kissinger and Operation Condor

researchok4/12/2010 2:52:14 pm PDT

re: #276 Olsonist

Once someone loses credibility, it’s pretty much gone. You’ll note that Horowitz doesn’t get cited the way Hitchens, Hersch, Bloom, … do. As soon as you cited Horowitz, you were instantly defending him. I don’t agree with Hitchens about the Iraq War but I have to take what he writes seriously. I didn’t agree with Bloom about his critique of American education but he had his points.

Horowitz is just a hack, a Glenn Beck for a slightly earlier generation.

Again, you are stating an opinion.

Where in that article about Allende is Horowitz wrong? You may not like his conclusions, but that doesn’t make him less credible.

I can cite legions of error filled articles by progressives- does that nullify them as well?