
X-Men #14, 'Among Us Stalk the Sentinels' (November 1965)

Cato the Elder5/03/2010 6:31:44 am PDT

re: #272 marjoriemoon

A friend of mine grew up in chickee hut in the Everglades. He told me until the age of 10, he thought his name was “Go Get the Wood.”

The planet is hotter today, more lights, more cement than it was even 25 years ago. But I know people that don’t have AC. The old homes have what they call “swamp coolers” out west. I don’t know what they call them here. I have one actually, but it doesn’t work. Like a big fan installed in the attic, they suck the hot air upwards.

But I’m a 2010 kinda gal. I like my AC.

I couldn’t possible “do” Baltimore in the summer without AC. Truth be told, if LVQ assured my that my going without it would single-handedly save the planet, the planet would have to take a back seat.

And this, my friends, is why humanity in the aggregate can’t stop AGW.

I take full responsibility for my share in buggering the future.

Do the rest of us?