
Wired Journalists Say Chat Transcripts Contain 'Nothing Newsworthy'

280 6:32:17 pm PST

re: #273 CuriousLurker

Thanks, I needed that. {reine}

I hate the idea of some little kid seeing me and feeling fear or distrust for no effing reason other than their parents programming them to do so. It’s no skin of my back, but it’s unfair to the kid to make them feel that way. *sigh*

It is true, though, you know CL.
I don’t think of things the same way my parents did; different sets of experiences throughout my life. And my daughter won’t think of things the same way I do.

And most of these kids will grow up, meet people, and be just fine. This particular thing is temporary and fleeting idiocy - hard to deal with right now but it will not be forever.