
Venezuela's Maduro Rescinds Order Expelling CNN, Asks Obama to Negotiate

Birth Control Works2/23/2014 9:09:48 am PST

re: #278 Dark_Falcon

Case noted, but have you got a better source article? That one was written by someone from Michael Bloomberg’s dishonest anti-gun group.

Do your own research DF. It’s rather clear from any point of view that this is a bullshit case. I would hope that anyone who supports the 2nd amendment would be adamant in this situation. A firearm is not to be used in a DV situation at all. I don’t care if it is a threat with an unloaded weapon or a incident that ends up causing bodily harm.

A responsible firearm owner would not behave this way and the law and traditions of firearm ownership are clear on this.

The gun is always loaded
Always point the gun in a safe direction