
John Oliver Smashes the Final Taboo: How Is Daylight Saving Time Still a Thing?

goddamnedfrank3/09/2015 6:05:14 pm PDT

re: #274 Nyet

Chuck’s new sugar daddy?

Probably not, but CCJ is getting desperate. He’s alienated an absolute shitload of erstwhile allies and as such it’s probably getting harder and harder to maintain the grift.

He’s painted himself into the fringiest, darkest and most unstable corner of the Tea Party right. It started when nobody would hire him anymore, he’d proved unstable enough that no right wing publications would hire him anymore. That forced him into an association with Joel Gilbert and thus came the attendant need to support his insane theory about Obama’s real father being Frank Marshall Davis. Then attacking Holly Fisher and (especially) the war with Dana Loesch cut him off from much of the traditional TP fundraising network.

Now he’s being actively shunned by almost all the big players. It’s quite telling that his trip to CPAC produced almost no established names willing to be seen or photographed with him. He’s officially become a toxic pariah now, and so must seek out association with the most racist, batshit crazy and marginalized elements like the Neo Reactionaries, Unz, and VDARE.