
Bernie Sanders Tweets: "You Cannot Be a Moderate and a Progressive"

Yeah Sure WhatEVs2/03/2016 3:52:12 pm PST

re: #240 HappyWarrior

Yeah that’s problematic. I do like his idea of making college more affordable ergo on paper anyhow more inclusive but that does underscore a problem.

Here’s a problem with affordability…and hell if I know an answer: we want good salaries for professors (which I fully support) yet that funding has to come from somewhere and, to my knowledge, that’s tuition. Same with building upkeep. And support staff.

Likewise, on a semi-related issue, we want qualified teachers to be paid well. And they are, more so than a large number of people in a community. The GOP uses that as a wedge (successfully, see Walker in WI) and the result is a race to the bottom with resentment of the taxpayers who pay teachers.

How do we shift the discussion to a race to the top? How do we counter GOP fed resentment? How do we do anything when so many states have GOO governors and legislatures?

I have no idea…I’m just throwing stuff out there. Soundbite a sound great (in both sides) but actuality is fucking hard. And saying fuck teachers and governmental employees (in the GOP side) or Every One Gets A Pony on the Bernie side…how do we improve as a country?