
France Loves Creationism (Because It Makes Americans Look Stupid)

Macker2/12/2009 7:35:49 pm PST

Hello everyone.
Yesterday I was at the chiropractor when, after I was finished with my adjustments, a lower back joint was thrown out of whack by my throwing my leg up for a shoe way too fast and way too awkward. For an hour, I had to sit in an upright position, I was unable to move without excruciating pain. Eventually, the chiropractor gave me some herbal painkillers, and they acted to alleviate it enough, so I was eventually able to slowly get up and walk…with a pretty pink cane.
Thank God my girlfriend, whom I shall call the Lady E, who had just flown in from Michigan to visit me, was able to drive me home. She is a Godsend and is helping me recuperate. She is spoiling me. That doesn’t mean…for you folks out there who may have a spouse or significant other…that you should get injured somehow!
Needless to say, I am still in some pain, and this is going to take a while. Please keep us in your prayers.
And with this post, I’ll sign off….you’re all welcome to send me e-mail get wells. I’ll be back, OK!
