
Video: The Worst That Could Happen

windsagio12/12/2009 8:06:53 pm PST

re: #266 albusteve

that’s what it’s like for a nooby…I’m not gonna state my case everytime someone new wonders what I think

pff, I figured you’d go for that, it was only a matter of time. Its a good sign that your argument is in trouble if you’re appealing to how long you’ve been here (or I guess to how long I *haven’t* been here)

Anyhoo; burden of proof is on you. I’ve listed the only real ‘solution’ you’ve posted in the current discussion, and it was, well, no good.

re: #273 cliffster

Hey now! I looked it up again to make sure I was remembering the term right!

“If the shoe fits..”