
Silver Surfer #1, 'The Origin of the Silver Surfer' (August 1968)

Ericus584/22/2010 5:22:52 am PDT

re: #89 Stanley Sea

Check out this question from a Fox correspondent to Robert Gibbs

I have to say nothing, in my political memory compares to this birther bullshit staying mainstream. (the day people aren’t here to freak out on the Muslim part of the question so I’ll just let that be)

Just who are you referring to here at LGF? Just who is freaking out about Muslim’s - posting about Islamic radicals/terrorists is not directing anger at the general Muslim population or those of the Islamic faith.
It’s the same as those of us here at LGF that post about whackjobs from other faiths, focused on the specific and not the general group - yes?

Again, I see most every evening several posts about those of us that post in morning and mid-day time frame getting the backhand comments… without the same vitrol being spread from the “AM Wingnut Group”.
I appreciate your posts SS, but this crap is getting old.