
Tea Party Organizer: 'No Place' for Racist Behavior

Aceofwhat?5/03/2010 2:50:24 pm PDT

re: #275 kirkspencer

I’ve always rather liked this argument as it’s got so much error to be set aside.

Now, it applies completely for day-workers, but it does so whether they’re illegals or legals. But if they’re working for a company, the company pays its share of social security and such, and it deducts the same from the worker’s paycheck. Oh, and the company had to make a W2 for each employee it “thought” was legal, which meant deductions went into the system. Oh, neat, that’s money that went in which the illegal will not be collecting - revenues in instead of out.

Let’s see. Illegals can’t skip sales taxes. If they’re renting they’re indirectly supporting the rental’s property taxes, and if they’re buying, well, that gets paid as well.

Bottom line, “they don’t pay taxes” is mostly incorrect. It’s only somewhat true where the employer knowingly employs illegals and fails to report them as workers at all, or where the paperwork can be skipped - day workers.

all very good points. and to add to your points and subtract further from mine, they’re unlikely to be in an income bracket which pays any more tax in excess of what you’ve already listed above.

yet i still believe one of the most basic roles of our government is to allow themselves and the rest of us to simply, quickly, and accurately identify ourselves as citizens. If i have to rustle up my documents in the next few years and go be fingerprinted for a new social security or ID card, i’m in support.