
Assange Arrest Imminent

Gus12/02/2010 9:10:44 pm PST

OK then. Here are the non-war casualties for Iraq.

# Iraq (1990-): 350 000 [make link]

* International Embargo
o Kaplow, Larry, “Consequences Of Kuwait: Sanctions have Iraq withering”, 13 June 1999, Atlanta Journal and Constitution: 110,000
o Project on Defense Alternatives, 20 Oct. 2003: “[T]he sanction regime probably cost the lives of 170,000 children. (Much higher estimates for 1992-1998 sanction deaths … are based on faulty baseline statistics for prewar childhood mortality in Iraq).” []
o Chris Suellentrop, “Are 1 Million Children Dying in Iraq?” Slate Magazine, October 9, 2001, acknowledged the possibility of 350,000-500,000 excess deaths among children since 1991, but points out that Saddam blames the UN and the US blames Saddam
o UNICEF: 500,000 excess child deaths (under-five) 1991 to 1998 []
o Philip Shenon, “Washington and Baghdad Agree on One Point: Sanctions Hurt”, 22 Nov. 1998, New York Times: 700,000
o Leon Howell, “Churches Regret Calling for Sanctions”, March 21, 1998, [Albany, NY] Times Union: the UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimated that 1,000,000 Iraqis, incl. 560,000 children, died as a result of malnutrition and disease caused by the international embargo imposed following the invasion of Kuwait. The article mentions the use of these numbers by an official of the United Church of Christ, and also labels the figures “commonly used — but also disputed”.
o 6 Aug. 1999 CNN []
+ UN: 1M excess deaths
+ Al-Thawra newspaper: 1.5M
o Ramsey Clark: 1,500,000 including 750,000 children []
o Brian Nelson and Jane Arraf, “Ten Years After Iraq’s Invasion of Kuwait and U.N. Sanctions Still Stand”, 18:00 August 6, 2000, CNN Worldview: 1.5 million

Roughly 1 million Iraqis died “by peaceful means”.