
Ex-Boyfriend of Cain Accuser Corroborates Her Story

Petero181811/14/2011 5:20:48 pm PST

re: #261 SanFranciscoZionist

Seriously, I think it depends a lot on the individual protester. I’m getting all kinds of feedback.

And that may in fact be the problem. I was in Vancouver Canada last week on business and in their Occupy camp which was close to my hotel I saw the following causes represented in signs: 1) rights of first nations 2) environmentalism 3) animal rights 4) legalize drugs 5) fighting poverty 6) anarchy 7) Communists/socialists. - and quite frankly plenty of people who were just high and hanging out.

To me, the protest is almost just an opportunity for some to get out and protest. That concerns me because people more interested in protesting than the cause they are protesting for can be dangerous when forced to move by the police.