
Greenwald's Latest Article Distorts the Truth Again

teresa7/31/2013 2:44:54 pm PDT

Glenn is a master of demagoguery, let’s just review what a good demagogue does: they use polarizing propaganda that motivates members of an ingroup to hate and scapegoat some outgroups, largely by promising certainty, stability, and what Eric Fromm famously called “an escape from freedom. So if you just take every word of his as truth, always, then you are fine according to Glenn, you know truth, (we hear him say this all the time) but if you are concerned about the 4th amendment, but don’t see the world as Greenwald does, otherwise you are the gestapo, stupid, a shill for the administration, etc and so on. He can’t stop himself, demagogues never can. It is easy to recognize a demagogue, because they seek to significantly undermine the quality of public debate. Take for instance Glenn’s inabilty to carry on a normal conversation or have a discussion with anyone on the subject matter without distorting the issue. For example last night he freaked out on Jeff Toobin, a guy I don’t particularly like, but Greenwald simply cannot have a discussion with anyone who disagrees with him and he seeks to disqualify the speaker, so instead of a normal response to Toobin, Greenwald yelled, you are calling for the end of investigative journalism, which was clownish at best. Ugh… another nice informative piece… thanks.