
Wednesday Night Stunt Guitar: Joe Satriani w/ Marco Minneman and Bryan Beller - "Satch Boogie"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam10/02/2014 7:28:55 am PDT

re: #270 Targetpractice

In fact, the Weimer gov’t passed such weapon restrictions so that groups like the Nazis couldn’t take up arms against the gov’t. These morons, living now over half a century later, don’t understand that the period in which the laws were passed was one of great turmoil and unrest in Europe due to the Great War and subsequent Depression. Such laws were not intended to keep people from protecting themselves, they were to maintain law and order.

I’ve been reading Barbara Tuchman’s history of WWI, on the recommendation of another lizard. I had no idea how rapacious the Germans were as they marched through Belgium toward Paris. If any Belgium sniped at them, the Germans would kill most of a town’s population and burn it to the ground.

I have a better understanding why the Allies imposed such punishing postwar restrictions on the Germans. It was retribution for barbarism.