
Former Breitbart Spox: Meetings With Stephen Bannon Sounded Like White Supremacists Talking

ObserverArt8/19/2016 9:29:07 am PDT

So…I have natural gas again!

I told that gas crew they were up for some fun with my house’s foundation. They ended up keeping the meter indoors and using the existing pipe (cut off and used as a guide for the new plastic line and what they call an indoor kit to connect new plastic to inner black steel pipe.

Sure, those big guys had to get down under my back porch to do some digging, but that beats going through 18 to 20” of limestone twice to do what they thought they could do.

But how cool are those Vermeer hole boring machines!

And speaking of gas…I see Trump is back at the stupid tweets and now Manafort has checked out.

Great example of how Trump operates.

He wants all yes men/women on his staff. Sure he’ll listen to them suggest anything. All they need to do is say “Yes Mr. Trump” when he tells them why he isn’t going to do anything they suggest.

I hope Americans that would vote for the Orange Clod realize he isn’t going to pay attention to the Military, Congress, the Supreme Court, Other World Leaders, Scientists, Educators, Lobbyists…so surly he isn’t going to concern himself with anything you care about.