
WaPo: Trump Is Now Under Investigation for Obstruction of Justice

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam6/14/2017 7:38:49 pm PDT

re: #273 HappyWarrior

I mean it is easier I totally see when something comes close ot home for you. I get that but you owe it to yourself and others to see there are more people than just you in the world. I do try to understand the conservative world view and honestly I just don’t see it. I just don’t see why someone in a town or even a county that has fewer Muslims than my graduating class frets about Shariah Law and can’t see that those of us in diverse areas have worked, been educated with, etc with Muslims and other groups for years.

I got into an online argument with a guy on Steemit (whom I later unfollowed) because of some bigoted remark he made about Pakistan wanting to stay in the 14th century. I pointed out most Pakistanis are fully in the 21st century and are happy to be there. He ranted some more. Before I signed off, I told him I had friends who are Pakistanis and I was merely repeating what they told me about their homeland.

One of my memorable experiences in college was listening in on a conversation between two of my summer roommates, a Pakistani and a Turk, and a guy from downstairs, also a Pakistani, as they debated the role of Islam in the 20th century.