
Cory and the Wongnotes: "Crisis" (Feat. Big Wild)

Nerdy Fish4/15/2022 10:14:03 am PDT

re: #281 Eclectic Cyborg

The problem is not young employees wanting a work/life balance, it’s companies who think young employees do not deserve a work/life balance by default and it is something that has to be earned by putting up with years of bullshit first.

Yes, exactly. The one thing we do a very poor job of teaching our young people - something I intend on teaching both my kids as they get older - is that they are never obligated to do anything for free. If your job is asking you to work unpaid overtime as a salaried employee, tell them to fuck off, you’re paid for 40 hours and you will work 40 hours. It sounds harsh and self-centered to say that, and a lot of young employees shy away from that because they are eager to please and don’t want to be seen as demanding, but your job isn’t worth your life. No job is. The company doesn’t care about you; your boss might, but the company, as an entity, can replace you - and will in a heartbeat, if they so choose.