
Et Tu, Meryl?

hous bin pharteen3/05/2009 8:48:20 pm PST

re: #273 MarineMomSue

After that sexually pervert Clinton, and that stupid Carter, I feel sorry for African Americans who end up with there 1st president. After people like Rice and Powell, we end up with one who is going to move the recession into the next Great Depression, while getting his friends rich. No, not poor people. The dead beat not paying taxes democraps, the unions, who are just another level of management, and other useless social programs. The poor will get worse. They are going to regret having him around. I have worked with unions. Where the union officials were fat cats. And if you were a hard worker, you got the same pay as the gut who slept in the warehouse but were the first out the door a quiting time, but were ‘buddies’ with the union reps. They deserve a real leader, not a leftist hack.