
Kepler: Searching for Another Earth

yma o hyd3/07/2009 12:47:11 pm PST

re: #229 Dr. Shalit

yma o hyd -

PM Brown may be a disagreeable, boring person. He is - AS WELL - the PM of the UK, Just as B. “Hooverssein” Obama is our President. In both cases, respect goes to the office rather than the person occupying it. PM Brown did well - Pres. Obama - Not So much. Sorry about that from my side of the “Pond.”


Agree - the respect goes to the office.
Mind - while the British press gives the impression as if we’re now all deeply offended, the underlying theme is that Gord is on the way out and anything which helps him to realise that he’s got to call a General Election is welcome.
Thats why its beenoverplayed a leeetle bit in the papers over here.
Politics as usual, with MFM stirring - no need to apologise!
(But thanks anyway!)