
Spencer Changes Story, But Still Defends Pro Koln - Update: Pro Koln Organizers Say Spencer and Geller Confirmed in Writing

Sacred Plants4/27/2009 4:41:36 am PDT

The fauxtography background could be tracked to the international journalist and press photographer Alexander Toker:

Antifa demo in counter Gttingen

Around 4000 people on Saturday in Gottingen 28 10.06 peacefully against the NPD rally with 225 right-wing extremists protesting at the station. Massifs with 6000 police officers. [google translation]

People peacefully requesting their right to wear sunglasses in face of the NPD. The wording of the banner is a reference to East Germany where the numerical proportions between Nazis and Antifa are vice versa (Gottingen is close to Point Alpha).

Mr. Tokers work has also been used on PI earlier this year. Does this make that blog a suspect?