
Klinghoffer Kind of Agrees: 'Darwinism is a Lie Sprung Straight from the Pit of Hell'

iceweasel6/21/2009 9:04:18 pm PDT

I’m late and this is back to the thread topic, but what the hell (so to speak):

re: #30 Jimmah

Notice the usual attempt to trick people into thinking they are in the ID camp just by virtue of believing in God and accepting evolution:

June 18, 2009 11:01 PM

Actually I would have said, “No I think that creationism is for those who don’t like reality.” Anyone who thinks that the earth is only 6,000 years old and that dinosaurs walked alongside people need to have their heads examined. I am a Christian but I believe that we evolved. (God was behind the process of course.) And just because I am a Christian does not mean I have to park my brain at the church door.

David Klinghoffer
June 18, 2009 11:43 PM

Then welcome to the intelligent-design community, Richard!

This reflects a trend I see again and again from creationists. They’re not just disputing our best science. They are also framing the debate in such a way as to imply you can’t believe in both god and evolution. Of course that’s complete nonsense. Cf. the Catholic Church, for example, as has been repeatedly noted here.

What we see above isn’t just a lie about what ID is; it’s also an insult to both the religious and nonreligious. It’s the claim that only godless heathens can believe in evolution, because if you believe in god you have to believe in ID.

This is yet another demonstration of the way that “intelligent design” is merely a cover for what are actually religious beliefs. It’s not science and in this guise it’s not even philosophy. (You’d be bounced out of Logic 101 or Philosophy 101 for making these claims.)

It’s theology, nothing more or less.