
Bad Craziness at Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty Website

butterick7/26/2009 3:30:39 pm PDT

It seems to me like the wacko contingent of whatever party isn’t in power picks up this torch and runs with it, until they get back in, and then it gets passed back to the opposition. When Bush and the Republicans were in power, it was mostly the crazy left-liberals, and I think people like Alex Jones were actively courting them by being anti-Bush and feeding the fire.

Now that the Democrats are in power, I’m seeing almost none of this conspiracy talk from the left, as the torch has been passed back to the right-fringe kooks.

I’m really quite fascinated by guys like Alex Jones, David Icke and Henry Makow. It’s astonishing that people are so… [I can’t think of an adjective here]… that they will attach themselves to such a profoundly idiotic and disturbed worldview. Makow’s site in particular is scarier than any horror movie I’ve ever seen.