
Fail of the Day: Radar's 'Exclusive Breaking News'

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines3/04/2010 1:30:47 pm PST

The Postal Service has been holding mail for my old address for one month today.
One of the consumer affairs “investigators” just as much as called me a liar when I told him that I had submitted my change of address on the 11th and the carrier had been holding my mail without authorization for a week before that.
According to him, the request was not submitted until the 19th and was not entered into the system until the 23rd, meaning that the requisite “7-10 postal business days” for mail to be forwarded have not quite passed. He did not explain how items mailed to me from the same zip code on the 1st of February are still being held, since it defies belief tha they would still be in the system 18 days later when the authorization allegedly started.
The problem with this is that no independent authority exists to investigate failures like this, and the postal inspectors and consumer affairs people are only interested in covering for their gravy train and its fellow riders.

Lubbock doesn’t look much like Rio de Janeiro, but we have caught up with their postal service.