
Avengers #24, January 1966

Cato the Elder8/09/2010 9:37:51 pm PDT

re: #262 Dark_Falcon

Wraith-Wrecker’s Ring

This ring has a large green diamond in the shape of a skull (with yellow diamonds for eye sockets.

Power: Usable only three times ever (no more than twice per adventure), this ring automatically destroys any Undead creature below level 20, and inflicts 4D20 on all Undead creatures at level 20 or above. After its third use, its diamons turn black and the ring falls off the user’s hand.

Weakness: The ring attacks all things that are not living, even friendly ghosts. It’s the supernatural equivalent of a WMD, and should be used accordingly.

Cost: $75,000 Gold.

Sawah Pawin Wing:

This Wing has the shape of a Nut, made of faux cat’s-eye. There are no eye sockets because this Wing is bwind.

Power: When someone asks you about youw liberry, point the Wing at them and click your wuby swippers together thwee times, chanting, “There’s no pwace like Awaska!” Your opponent will immediately experience amnesia and forget the question.

Weakness: Can only be used if Tina Fey is not in the audience. Don’t count on that.

Cost: 24 pre-1970s Krugerrands, or check for $1.4 million in gold, payable to Glenn Beck.