
Christine O'Donnell Wants To Teach Creationism As 'An Equal Theory' to Evolution

Capitalist Tool10/14/2010 8:12:16 pm PDT

re: #271 WindUpBird

Dude, as a guy who knows mechanics, hangs out with mechanics who flip cars, and who just trolls cragislist and autotrader looking for deals just because its fun, it’s actually pretty damn easy, yes, even in the height of Cash 4 Clunkers, to find a car for very little.

You know what got clunked? shitty Caprices, big V8s, big thirsty and crappy trucks, big overengineered BMW 7-series and S-classes and bloated Caddys that would cost a fortune to get up to working order. NOT THE KIND OF CAR FOR SOMEONE ON A BUDGET.

in the height of cash for clunkers, friends of mine have scored mindblowing deals on Craigslist for their cars. I don’t believe for a moment that cash for clunkers somehow ruined the used car market. That’s bullcrap, because I watch the used car market for fun. It may be a thing you SUSPECT, but it doesn’t seem to reflect reality. That’s what we in America call “Talking out of your ass.”

This whole demonizing the cash for clunkers thing, it’s all talking points, you seem to like talking points a lot!

What a load- you are so full o’ shit.

You spend so much time flailin’ away at others for using anecdotes, so what do you do?
You ‘know some mechanics’ you ‘hang out with mechanics’.. could you be more lame? Some of your best friends are mechanics

Ooh- you’ve got a computer and have time to spend cruisin’ Craigslist. Ain’t you special? That doesn’t mean that Joe Blow across town from you has the same luxury and just because your asshole buddy found a deal on Craigslist doesn’t mean that Joe B. would find the same kind of deal for something to haul his family around or that he’s even heard of Craigslist.

Just because you can’t fit an idea into your pea brain doesn’t mean it ain’t happenin’ out there for someone else.

You are so damned obvious it’s pathetic. Every time you don’t have a leg to stand on, which is about all the time- you throw out that line about ‘talking points’. What a bunch o’ shite. Oh, yeah, you’re a great one for throwing around the “Right Winger” screed too. Can’t make a valid point so you fling epithets. You couldn’t get any more ridiculous if you fucking tried.

That’s right, I’m laughing at you, dumbass.