
Stephen Colbert Celebrates the Shutdown's One-Week Anniversary

Mattand10/08/2013 3:38:26 pm PDT

re: #258 Feline Fearless Leader

At what point do the non-radicals in the GOP House want his head since a bunch of them are probably not in safe gerrymandered districts? Their re-election chances are going further and further down the drain along with the GOP brand the longer they allow Boehner to keep the hostage crisis running.

I wandered over to my former* Congressman Jon Runyan’s (R-NJ) FB page earlier. I was curious to see what’s going on over there. Seems to be half-and-half of ‘Pass a clean CR now” and “Keep up the good fight.”

There’s enough support for the shutdown for Runyan to comfortably walk back his earlier support for a clean CR.

Think about that for a minute. This is New Jersey; say what you will about us, but one thing we don’t have is a major Tea Bag infestation. From what I’m seeing, Runyan could help Boehner tank the economy and odds are he’d probably be easily re-elected.

Imagine what’s going on in Tea Party districts like Cruz’s or Ted Yoho’s in FL.

There’s a fairly sizable chunk of our own citizens who want their representatives to precipate a global economic disaster. Then factor in the DF’s of the country; the ‘moderate’ team players who shrug and go “Eh. Whaddya gonna do?”

We’re in trouble, kids. Maybe I’ve been reading too much Josh Marshall over at TPM, but man; this does not look good.

I hope I’m wrong. I will gladly accept any rotten tomatoes that are flung my way. But, fuck me. If Obama is counting on ‘independents’ and ‘moderate’ Republicans to do what’s right for the US, he might be as delusional as the Tea Baggers.

*We got gerrymandered out of his district, since our town was the source of most of the Democratic support.