
Watch Live as Deluded Liberals Join Hands With Far Right Loons

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/26/2013 1:53:08 pm PDT

re: #278 Political Atheist

Do you mean the FISA court ruling?

I mean the Supreme Court’s rulings on FISA, pen registers, the Stored Communications Act, and other 3rd party doctrine stuff.

My point is that even if you repealed the P.A., the constituionality of metadata collection has already been ruled on and it’s been ruled to be okay. To reverse that would take judicial rulings, not a change to the law.

You might want to look at the ACLU lawsuit challenge. Oh and I mean metadata, the stuff we all agree the NSA does keep from domestic calls.

Okay. Still don’t know what you’re asking. Can you rephrase it?