
Incredible Image of Saturn Backlit by the Sun

kirkspencer11/13/2013 8:57:59 am PST

re: #247 Aunty Entity Dragon

America’s founding myth. Immigrants can jump off the boat in the 18th and 19 centuries, and with a little pluck and intestinal fortitude…they build business empires and become wildly successful!

Of course, for 99.99% of the people coming off the boat in the 18 century, you were damned lucky to get a farm (without getting killed in any of the horrible possibilities that existed at the time) and the 19th century, you could 1)live in the ghetto of your ethnic group in Boston or New York and work for slave wages in the mills and factories or 2) head out West and break your back on the railroad (and if you were female, get used to prostitution as a necessary way of life).

Also, too, there’s the fact of what it took to start a farm or a business here. Sure, you could grab land. Then what? How are you clearing the land? What about plowing it? How are you getting the seed? And the list goes on…

Starting a business? Sure. Set aside tools and such for whatever the business is going to be under the assumption you brought along the core, there’s supplies and customers. Oh, yeah, customers. Can’t have those if you’ve gone galt because you left them behind.
