
Sanders Says He Hasn't Read Classified Pages of 9/11 Report Because He Doesn't Want to Lie

Charles Johnson4/18/2016 5:46:58 pm PDT

I’ve been trying to keep an open mind in the Hillary/Bernie matter. But the scales are really tipping for me with Bernie’s latest hijinks.

Bernie’s message is essentially a good one, and MUCH needed in American politics; he’s absolutely right that big money and vested interests have far too much control over the process. But in so many ways, he’s utterly unrealistic and naïve about how to change this. He’s a utopian absolutist, and that’s a type of person who loses elections in the US.

There isn’t going to be a “revolution.” Right wing groups are trying to help Bernie get nominated because they know the majority of Americans aren’t going to join his “revolution,” and they absolutely dread the idea of competing against Hillary Clinton because she’s smart, tough, and knows EXACTLY how they operate.