
The Bob & Chez Show: The First Debate

austin_blue9/27/2016 6:19:39 pm PDT

re: #267 Ziggy_TARDIS

I do understand what you are saying. I really do.

But it also must be understood also that American Elections run much closer.

They do, and in this case, they shouldn’t. What Gazza is saying is that the passage of Brexit removed the cover of the anthill that is British racism. They felt empowered to walk the streets and beat the living crap out of “the other”. Black, brown, yellow, gay, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, or non-english euros.

Ziggy, dude, that’s you. And in England, it wasn’t just “the Paki bastards”. A polish worker was nearly beaten to the death.

Poles, mind you, probably saved England during the Battle of Britain, by giving the RAF just enough functional pilots to fend off the Germans until Hitler fatally decided to bomb the cities instead of destroying the RAF. It was a very close thing.

If they are beating Poles on the streets of the UK, imagine what the white supremacists would feel emboldened to do here.

This is no shit realpolotik we are dealing with in this country this year, and it is just as scary as shit. Wazza’s right. We need to work our butt’s off to prevent it happening.