
Video: Stephen Colbert's Audience Cheers as He Announces the Cohen Raids

BeachDem4/11/2018 7:59:52 pm PDT

The WaPo hagiography on Ryan is almost as nauseating at the NYT’s:

“Speaker Ryan is an embodiment of a particular kind of optimistic, pro-growth, pro-free market inclusive conservatism,” said Michael Steel, a former top adviser to House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio)…

Well, he’s the embodiment of something, that’s for sure.

once his party’s ideological standard-bearer, Ryan has spent the past two years resisting, minimizing and ultimately conceding to a Trumpian revolution he could neither contain nor control…Ryan’s brand of politics, an uplifting fiscal conservatism…

Yeah, when I think of the zombie-eyed granny starver, uplifting is always what comes to mind.

Then there is this—
As recently as January, Ryan described Trump’s vulgar description of some majority-minority nations as “very unfortunate” and “unhelpful.”

Wow, Paulie—such STRONG language. (shudder)

Excuse me, I have to go hurl.