
If the US Has a 'Health Czar,' Who Are the Serfs?

LGoPs2/24/2009 9:14:03 am PST

re: #195 dhg4

Don’t look now but the WaPo is advocating a mileage tax. This would likely involve placing some sort of GPS device on every car so the government would know how far you’ve driven.

I realize that this isn’t as critical the government determining your health, but it’s still intrusive. (It’s also a pretty naked money grab.)

At least the administration shot down the suggestion of former GOP congressman, Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood.

Still there’ve been pilot programs out west so some people think it’s reasonable. Now with a major paper advocating it, this policy is going to get discussed.

Am I missing something here? Isn’t the tax we pay on every gallon of gasoline already a mileage tax?
Not trying to be cute…..just really wondering.
If we’re really considering adding a mileage tax to an already existing gasoline/fuel tax then does it not follow that the next step is to add a tax to cover the costs of monitoring the instrumentation that will be necessary to enforce the mileage tax…….and on and on. Where does it end?