
Stock Market Yo-Yo Watch

lobo913/05/2009 11:39:23 am PST

re: #262 Iron Fist

You are right. The markets don’t lie over time. you may be able to fudge them in the short term (that’s how Soro$ makes his money), but in the end they are a good predictor of what is to come. I just hope to keep my job, and the Girlfriend keeps her job, and we can just hunker down and weather the storm. I could have been in a better position than I am, but I’m doing a lot better than a lot of people.

Sadly, I’m not even sure if I’ll have a job after May, when my current active duty orders run out. They just dumped a pile of new training missions on our plate for units deploying to Afghanistan, while simultaneously warning that we may lose 3/4 of the trainers we have mobilized.