
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

The Sanity Inspector10/08/2009 2:12:48 pm PDT

re: #2 Sharmuta

Dear Newbies-

Welcome to LGF! If you need something to help break the commenting ice, how about telling us what brought you to LGF? Always an interesting story- from older Lizards too.

I’ve been reading and posting here since 2002, been registered since…(clicks own avatar) 2004. Like so many others, I was drawn here in the wake of 9/11. I was livid at the jihadists. I felt myself to be part of a community of righteous rage here. Some of the most intemperate things I’ve ever said in my adult life are floating right here in LGF’s archives. Dig them up and fling them in my face, and I don’t know that I would honestly disavow all of them.

But so many warblogs from that era have transmogrified or are simply gone. Life has gone on (thanks to our soldiers), different issues have come to the fore, and I’m content to read, listen, & engage with the more liberal-leaning newcomers. Welcome, all.