
Missouri GOP Calls for Revolution

Wozza Matter?11/22/2009 12:53:06 pm PST

re: #187 SixDegrees

re: #188 Cannadian Club Akbar

re: #189 sattv4u2

100 new millitia groups since the election, more threats to the President than any previous in their first year, SPLC reports, the ADL report, the Homeland Security reports on the rise of far right extremism… scenes of people in floods of tears screaming that “they want their country back”…socialism as “black racism”… barely and unconcealed racism floating through the underbelly of the MSM - and if a cartoon like the dead ape one can make it into the New York post - how much of a stretch is it to believe that attitudes are worse in some areas of the south…?

I have friends in England and Northern US who moved here and there from the Deep South and relayed me - in detail - about some of the attitudes that still hold among elements of the population.

and - i’m not saying everyone in the south is a racist bigot… just that traditionally the Deep South has had more problems with race than the rest of the US… or is that no longer a historical fact, that the Deep South has never had a race problem or problem with Northerners generally?