
Planned Parenthood Under Attack by Extremist Lila Rose

Buck2/07/2011 2:02:20 pm PST

re: #269 SanFranciscoZionist

I’m not shouting fake at all. If there is a systemic problem at Planned Parenthood, I want to know about it. However, exactly one person fell into their sleazy trap, and even she reported the situation to a supervisor. She’s also been fired. So I fail to see what I’m supposed to be concerned about, exactly.

You might be confusing one person for another. We have not seen all of the videos, there just might be others who committed the same wrongdoing. We don’t know if the fired employee reported anythign to anyone. There is no proof of that yet.

In the meanwhile, maybe you are not calling fake, but ALMOST every post on this subject here has a word like HOAX or FAKE attached to it.

Seriously, if these were instead, say, people who work with kids who’ve been prostituted, and they realized that pimps were using PP as a way to get abortions and treatment for their underage prostitutes, I would be worried as hell. But THAT’S NOT WHAT HAPPENED.

OK, I simply suggest that before we characterize the videos as fakes or Hoaxes (when it is very likely that they are not), we see the entire set.