
John McCain 'Very Disappointed' by GOP Debate

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]11/14/2011 8:24:04 pm PST

re: #274 ggt

Before Blogs, I participated in a couple of email list thingys. Private.

I don’t understand people who still won’t even email their friends.

when I was 12: (late 1980’s) Compuserve, Genie, local Atari ST BBSes where I didn’t know anyone

When I was 15: mostly local BBSes run by friends and acquaintances, got together, had parties, meetups in downtown Seattle

When I was 18: USENET so much USENET, some BBSes still, by leapfrogging by telnet to the modem pools at the UofW, also mailing lists, also more USENET, lots of IRC

When I was 24: actual blogging, more IRC and chat rooms, art-centered mailing lists

by the time 9/11 happened, I was sorta on like my 9th medium of bullshitting on computers with other humans :D