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lawhawk5/16/2013 7:09:46 am PDT

re: #264 FemNaziBitch

From page 8 of the TIGTA report:

To determine if organizations other than those specifically identified in the inappropriate criteria were processed by the team of specialists, we reviewed the names on all applications identified as potential political cases.18 Figure 4 shows that approximately one-third of the applications identified for processing by the team of specialists included Tea Party, Patriots, or 9/12 in their names, while the remainder did not. According to the Director, Rulings and Agreements, the fact that the team of specialists worked applications that did not involve the Tea Party, Patriots, or 9/12 groups demonstrated that the IRS was not politically biased in its identification of applications for processing by the team of specialists.

Emphasis added.

Yet, the TIGTA did find substantive problems in how the group operated and that there weren’t sufficient safeguards. Moreover, the policies and procedures for figuring out whether an entity engaged in political activity was such that it needs Congressional clarification. Right now, not even the IRS can figure out what to do with the law.