
In Which Failed Republican Joe Walsh Tweets About VP Biden Having a "Black Friend"

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)4/17/2014 9:41:47 am PDT

re: #282 GunstarGreen

Yeah, it’s funny how people will be all DOWN WITH THE < INSERT UNDESIRABLE THING HERE > !!11!!1!! right up until it affects them. Then they call for “understanding”.

Fuck ‘em.

I feel ya but I guess this is better than say someone like Alan Keyes who disowned his daughter upon finding out she was gay. What upsets me though is probably what I imagine upsets you is that guys like Cooper never think about how this issue effects people until they see it effect them directly. Perhaps this is the crux of the article I saw here the other day that said essentially that most conservatives have a problem with empathy and that’s something that unites the conservative mind from even the sane conservatives to the batshit insane ones.